Tuesday 13 January 2009

Sore Throat, Runny Nose - It Must Be A Cold

As if I didn't have enough to contend with at the moment, yesterday afternoon I started to develop a sore throat and a tingling feeling in my nose, and this morning it has developed into a full-blown, feels-like-sandpaper throat, and the tingling feeling in my nose is developing into a running-for-England cold.

I ought to go to the library to avoid distractions while I am working on my TMAs, but feeling as I do, I think it is probably better to work at home.  I need to get as much done today as I can, because tomorrow I am off to give a presentation to an important committee.  My recently-retired GP 'B' and I have 15 minutes to make our presentation and then its time for a debate.  I'm not sure whether this is really going to be a debate, or whether it is a question and answer session.  Whichever it is the committee that we are going to see has a lot of quite important medical people as members.  I hope that it isn't too scary.

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