Friday 5 September 2008

A Change Is As Good As A Rest

Okay, I admit it, I've had another 'girly' moment. I was dissatisfied with how my last post looked when it was published so I decided to change the appearance of my blog again. I'm quite happy with how it looks, so this may be how it remains.

I've called it a girly moment, but I suppose it isn't really. I've called this post 'A Change Is As Good As A Rest' but it could just as easily been 'Variety Is The Spice Of Life'. Actually, I believe that it is just another example of me trying to find perfection. It will never happen, but aesthetically I believe that it is an improvement. Maybe I'll leave it like this forever, but maybe I'll have another change of heart and search for an appearance that I'm happier with.

Whatever happens, I hope that the standard of the posts can be maintained or improved. I have continued to blog on an almost daily basis for more than two months now which is a significant achievement in its own right, so I think that I am entitled to try to find an appearance that makes me happy with the overall product.

Am I guilty of being girly, a perfectionist or just wanting to do the best that I can?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are just being you, and that is how you should remain. There is nothing wrong with you the way you are. Vulnerable, yes but obviously improving all the time. :-))