Thursday 6 August 2009

I Know I Shouldn't Have ...

... but having managed to get the knitting needles that I wanted when I went to the local knitting wool shop I had to start knitting a sock.


Lily said...

Gorgeous colour socks! I've developed a fear of knitting socks... I keep looking at the book I've got, thinking about it and then convincing myself I'd be better starting next week...

Achelois said...

I echo Lily - absolutely beautiful colour for socks! I am in a big grump today and clicked on your blog in my reader to be presented with the cheeriest pair of socks in the making so thank you for making me smile. I am currently having a, I am complete crap at knitting time and have never even attempted to try even one sock let alone a pair! Your post has inspired me to get me to the shop to buy some new wool and just give it all another go!