Thursday 28 August 2008

Every New Mother's Nightmare

My husband and I didn't have children, so I am not writing this post as a result of my experience, but many of my friends have children and something that quite a few of them have commented on was how difficult and scary it was trying to pick up their first child for the first time. I can understand this because to start with the baby is placed in your arms, you haven't had to pick it up from scratch, and trying to pick up something that is alive and wriggling could, quite rightly, be a bit worrying. After all, you don't want to drop it, or hold it too tight, or worse still, incorrectly so that you could damage this precious new thing.

So for anyone who has been in this position, I think that viewing this will make you realise how much easier it probably was to make that first attempt than it was for the new mother shown here.

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